CIE is voluntarily constituted by the electronic information technology workers and related enterprises, legally registered academic, non-profit national legal associations, national Society, is the component of China Association for Science and Technology, anchored and accepted the direct leadership of the Ministry of Information Industry. Since its inception in 1962, CIE has always been an important force to promote the development of China’s electronic information of science and technology. As a unique platform for the integration and promotion of resources, it has extensive far-reaching impact of electronic information science and technology.
Council of the Institute has a total of 199 directors, including 52 executive directors, in which 10 vice president. Institute consists of 43 professional chapters, nine working committees and an office with one hundred people, and has local Society organizations in the country’s 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Work covering various categories of the semiconductor, computer, communications, radar, navigation, microwave, radio, television, electronic measurement, signal processing, electromagnetic compatibility, electronic components, electronic materials and all regions.
Institute has more than 100 thousand professional members, including more than 10 thousand senior members. Institute host more than 20 kinds of journals of electronic information, held annually more than 200 large-scale conferences, exhibitions, publishing dozens of industry research reports, publishing a variety of books and series.
The institute is the member of the International Federation for Information Processing Society (IFIP), the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), the International Committee of Contamination Control Societies (ICCCS), International Pharmaceutical Federation for Information Processing (IMIA), and established membership relations with the American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) , Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE), Japan Society of Applied Physics (ISAP), Korea Electronics and Electrical Institute (KlTE), co-sponsorship of a series of more than ten international conferences, and build a unique platform for introduction, export, international exchanges of electronic information science and technology and product.