Tag Archives: electrical institution

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Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE)

CIE is voluntarily constituted by the electronic information technology workers and related enterprises, legally registered academic, non-profit national legal associations, national Society, is the component of China Association for Science and Technology, anchored and accepted the direct leadership of the Ministry of Information Industry. Since its inception in 1962, CIE has always been an important force to promote the development of China’s electronic information of science and technology. As a unique platform for the integration and promotion of resources, it has extensive far-reaching impact of electronic information science and technology.

Council of the Institute has a total of 199 directors, including 52 executive directors, in which 10 vice president. Institute consists of 43 professional chapters, nine working committees and an office with one hundred people, and has local Society organizations in the country’s 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Work covering various categories of the semiconductor, computer, communications, radar, navigation, microwave, radio, television, electronic measurement, signal processing, electromagnetic compatibility, electronic components, electronic materials and all regions.

Institute has more than 100 thousand professional members, including more than 10 thousand senior members. Institute host more than 20 kinds of journals of electronic information, held annually more than 200 large-scale conferences, exhibitions, publishing dozens of industry research reports, publishing a variety of books and series.

The institute is the member of the International Federation for Information Processing Society (IFIP), the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), the International Committee of Contamination Control Societies (ICCCS), International Pharmaceutical Federation for Information Processing (IMIA), and established membership relations with the American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) , Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE), Japan Society of Applied Physics (ISAP), Korea Electronics and Electrical Institute (KlTE), co-sponsorship of a series of more than ten international conferences, and build a unique platform for introduction, export, international exchanges of electronic information science and technology and product.

Insulation Related

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO, established in February 23, 1947, is the largest international standardization organizations in the world. Its predecessor was the International Standards Association (ISA), founded in 1928. October 14, 1946, representatives from 25 countries met in London, decided to establish a new international organization to promote international cooperation and unification of industrial standards.。 Accordingly, October 14 was designated as World Standards Day. World Standards Day first celebrated on October 14, 1970, by President of ISO Mr. Faruk Sunter (Turkey) of the time.

ISO is responsible for all other areas of standardization activities except electrical and electronic fields. Its purpose is “to promote the worldwide development of standardization and related activities in order to facilitate the international exchange of goods and services in the fields of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic cooperation. ISO’s highest authority is the annual “General Assembly”, the daily offices is the Central Secretariat, based in Geneva, Switzerland. China applied in 1978 to re-join the International Organization for Standardization.

ISO carry out technical activities through its 2856 technical institutions, of which, 185 Technical Committee (TC), 611 Sub-Technical Committee (SC) total, 2022 Working Group (WG), 38 special working groups. International standards is formed by the TC and SC through six stages: ① the application stage; ② preparatory phase; ③ committee stage; ④ review stage; ⑤ approval stage; ⑥ release phase. If the documents acquire at the beginning more mature, some stages can be omitted.

The technical activities fruits of 2856 ISO technical institutions is “international standards.” ISO has developed more than 10,300 international standards, mainly related to the technical specifications of various products industries. ISO international standard number format is: ISO + standard number + colon + release year, for example: IS08402: 1987, IS09000-1: 1994, etc., are a certain number of criteria.

Insulation Related

American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

IEEE, be combined on January 1, 1963 by the AIEE (American Institute of Electrical Engineers) and the IRE (Institute of Radio Engineers U.S.) is the largest U.S. professional societies. IEEE is a non-profit Institute of Technology, has nearly 175 countries, more than 360,000 members all over the world. Through multiple members, this organization is in a position of authority in the field of space, computers, telecommunications, biomedicine, electric power and consumer electronics products. In the field of electrical and electronic engineering, computer and control technology, IEEE published literature about 30% of the world. IEEE sponsored or co-organized every year more than 300 technical sessions.

Since its beginning of foundation, IEEE has been committed to promoting the theoretical aspects of electrical technology in the development and application progress. As a catalyst for technological innovation, IEEE supports its members’ needs by planning and service in extensive field. Promoting science and technology and information exchange on technical areas from the computer engineering, biomedical, communications to electric power, aerospace, consumer electronics and so on, education training, development and recommendation of electrical, electronic technical standards, rewards membership with scientific and technological achievements.

Institute is leaded by the Chairman and the Executive Committee jointly. The council and congress make decisions on important matters of institute and the executive committee is responsible for daily affairs. Institute consists of superconducting, intelligent transportation system, neural networks and sensor 4 sub committees and 38 professional societies, such as power engineering, aerospace and electronic systems, computers, communications, broadcasting, circuits and systems, control systems, electronic devices, electromagnetic compatibility, industrial electronics, credit systems theory, project management, Microwave Theory and Techniques, nuclear and plasma ion science, marine engineering, power electronics, and electrical insulating dielectric reliability. Institute is also divided to 10 regions, and a total of more than 300 local branches. Congress is consisted of representatives from 10 regional braches and 10 technical braches. IEEE Beijing Branch was established in 1985.

IEEE members can enjoy the following preferential: members communicate with each other, sharing information; exclusive special cost savings and value-added benefits; recognizing and giving awards to members’ technical and professional achievements; participate, lead or voluntary assist IEEE opportunities; make e-commerce through network services and IEEE.

IEEE Standards include electrical and electronic equipment, test methods, components, symbols, definitions and test methods.